My wife and I thank you for visiting our website. Here is “Our Story”:
In January of 2018 I was in the hospital for 4 days getting diagnosed for some stomach symptoms the doctors were trying to figure out for a couple of months. Finally, in January they did an endoscopy to see what was up. They found a tumor in my stomach and were saying that it could possibly be cancerous. Even as strong faithful Christians, Mary and I were shaken by the news of it even being “possible cancer”. We had a couple days to process it, but had to rely on God for total peace. During my visit for the diagnostic, Mary was at my bedside and she felt in her heart the Enemy was taunting her saying,” Look what God is doing to your husband”. So Mary got angry (and with the boldness of the LORD) and pointed at me and told me “You’ve been diagnosed with Eternal Life!!!” and then she told Satan to get out of here. Mary knew Satan could not touch me even if God allowed me to die. She was reassured by the Holy Spirit in that moment of need my eternal destiny was secure. I was shocked when she said this to me but knew it was true. It took a couple days to sink in my mind the full power and effect of those words had on my heart and soul. I got it, it made sense, and there was NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT! Even if I died, I win! I can’t lose! Jesus paid for my sin debt in full and the reality of it, was I realized that nothing and no person could take that Eternal Life away.
While in the 4 day diagnostic visit, I felt God tell me that He was going to use this for His glory and I was very excited to be a part of it. I did not know what was going to happen but I was super excited to know that He was with me and I was not going through this alone. It was turning into an exciting adventure with Jesus.
On Thursday January 11th, 2018, I was discharged from the hospital and went home waiting for the pathology report. Shortly after arriving home, the phone rang, between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. and it was my doctor. He said “There was cancer found in the tumor”. Shock took me. Another blow to process and deeper trust God. I was hoping and praying for NO cancer found. Sticking to prayer, we kept trusting God, as He is the one we cling to. God was so gracious by allowing us to get the news in tiny bits to process and align our faith with Him, so that we could have peace during this learning stage.
About a week later I had an appointment with my surgical oncologist. Mary and I sat in the tiny exam room. Dr. V. came in and proceeded to tell us what was found in the test results and showed us a CT scan of my abdomen. He said I had Stage 3 stomach cancer and that he would need to remove all or part of my stomach. I did not ask but he also said I have about 19 months to live. I broke out in a cold sweat and felt like I was about to pass out. All I could think about when the doctor told me that was my wife and family. I needed to take care of them if I was going to go soon. I did not care about money, losing my house, losing my job, none of it was on the radar screen of concern. I just wanted to be there for my family and nothing else mattered or was as important.
It was almost emergency surgery to get the tumor out. No time for chemo or radiation. January 24th the doctor removed ¾ of my stomach along with the tumor. I was in the hospital for 12-13 days and lost 30 pounds really fast. I had to wait 61 days to heal before I could start chemo and radiation. During the 4-5 months of chemo I lost another 20 lbs. (197 lbs. to 147 lbs.) it was a little touch and go with trying to maintain hydration and eating food with a 1/4 sized stomach but I bounced back to my current weight that seems to have stabilized at about 164 lbs. We are grateful that we made it to the other side of treatment.
During the Month of February and March, Mary and I set out to take those commanding words she stated in January ("I've been diagnosed with Eternal Life!") and make T-Shirts and caps to encourage not only us, but others too. Knowing that death here on Earth is not the end, but as Christians who have put our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior we are secure in knowing where we are going after this life. Therefore on the shirt and caps the “EKG heartbeat” symbol representing life was pictured in my mind along with the “flatline” representing death on Earth and then the “infinity” symbol representing “Eternal Life”. According to John 3:16 in the Bible, Eternal Life is in heaven with our Creator “if” we believe (put our trust and faith) in Him. It reads: “For God so loved the world (you and me) that He gave His only Son (Jesus who died and rose again) that whoever believes in Him, will not perish but have Eternal Life.”
By the end of March 2018, or so, we printing our first batch of shirts and caps and then started giving them away. They spread quickly and people love them. We do not charge for the shirts or caps, we do not ask for donations but some people want to feel a part and do offer donations. We will accept donations, but do not ask or require them.
Today at the writing of this Story, I have had 2 CT scans since treatment ended July 20th, 2018 and both CT scans showed NO EVIDENCE OF CANCER FOUND!!! Thank you Jesus!!!
God bless you. Love, Mary and Darrell Brown